Our Mission
Established in 2020, the Engage Canastota Education Foundation was formed by a committed group of community members, school leaders and instructional staff to support and enhance the educational programs for all schools within the Canastota district.
We are an independent, not-for-profit organization that raises funds through donations, events and sponsorships from local businesses, individuals and alumni across the region, to award grants to teachers to provide innovative and purposeful learning programs across the district.
In recognition that the children of our community are our most precious asset, the Engage Canastota Education Foundation is established as a not-for profit to provide a school program which is superior to that which could be provided if the district were solely dependent on public financing.
The Foundation expects to solicit monies from alumni, individuals, corporations, etc.; through donations, bequests, and by promoting special events. Its goals are to accrue funds for the purpose of awarding teacher and student grants to:
enhance existing programs which can be improved by additional private sector financing
finance school projects that are consistent with approved school district programming but require funding beyond the capabilities of the district budget
build an endowment fund that can generate substantial income
help foster school and community spirit within the Canastota Central School District and Greater Canastota Community.