At the Canastota Center for Innovative Learning, our vision is to provide a dynamic and innovative learning experience that prepares students for the challenges of the future.
We believe in fostering a culture of curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity that inspires lifelong learning and personal growth.
Micro-Credentials - Skill-building learned in a flexible setting
At the Canastota Innovative Learning Center, we believe in providing a comprehensive college and career-readiness education to our students. Our micro-credentialing programs are designed to give students a hands-on experience in topics that will enhance their resumes and create a path toward success.
Leadership Projects – Students create their own leadership experience
Students are encouraged to participate in individualized or group projects to showcase leadership and service-learning. Students explore opportunities to leave a legacy at CHS and in the Canastota community through their projects.
Internships and Job Shadowing Opportunities - Career Exploration
At the Center for Innovative Learning, we believe in the power to inspire and transform. Students will have the opportunity to Job Shadow or Intern at a location within the school district or in the local community.
Career and College Readiness - Assistance preparing for career and/or college
Micro-credentials are offered in a flexible manner. Students will have the opportunity to learn valuable life skills independently. In addition, workshops will be offered at the Center on various employability topics.
NYS High School E-Sports
Dedicated to inspiring and creating opportunities for the community interested in the esports arena, Elite Gaming provides the opportunity for students and parents to do so. Elite stands for Education, Lifestyle, Inclusion, Technology, and Esports.
Located in the Museum of Science and Technology (MOST), Elite Gaming is a team of gamers, techies, and event pros that bring gaming to action. They are committed to provide the gaming community the opportunity to thrive by connecting gamers of all skill levels and interests through competition, fun, and new experiences.
The Canastota Central School District will have a satellite sight on our school campus.
Leadership is the capacity to transform vision into reality. Warren G. Bennis