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Connecting with Community and Business

Collaborating on work-based learning opportunities for our students

Celebrating the successes of our students.


Internships and Job Shadow Experiences


Internships and Job Shadow Experiences are highly structured, time-limited, career preparation activities in which students are placed at a worksite to participate in and observe work first hand.


They provide students the opportunity to learn by observing and doing real work and being productively engaged in the workplace. They may provide the opportunity to work in teams, work on a project, or rotate through a number of departments and job functions.


Sustaining and growing Internships and Job Shadowing opportunities depends on maintaining positive relationships with our local business professionals who are providing these opportunities.  






Our Partnerships

Jr. EMS Corps Badge.png
Student Ambassador Badge.png
Municipal Government Badge.png
Zoo Leadership Project Micro Credential.png



As a junior member of GLAS, students will have an opportunity to gain emergency medicine experience, under the direction and supervision of a paramedic/EMT, while serving their community. 


Trained junior members will aid paramedics and EMT’s in patient care and, upon turning 18, may become trained as drivers and EMT’s.

Becoming a Member:

  • Student must be 14 – 18 years old

  • Student must be in good academic standing, with a 75 or higher report card GPA

  • Student must complete a membership application and provide three (3) references

  • Student’s completed application will be voted on by the membership

Member Responsibilities

  • Successfully complete crew certification

  • Obtain and maintain CPR and defibrillator certification

  • Maintain a 75 or higher GPA

  • Serve a minimum of six (6) hours per month

  • Behave and dress appropriately (agency shirt, dark pants, closed toed shoes) while on crew

  • Attend training and membership meetings

  • Additional information regarding membership policies and procedures can be found in the agency policy handbook and will be explained
    to students once they become a member


The Greater Canastota Junior Chamber of Commerce is the result of a partnership between the Greater Canastota Chamber of Commerce and the Canastota Central School District.


The GCJC is composed of high school students interested in learning the fundamentals and life lessons to help foster a positive impact on their local community and ensure productive citizenship.  The partnership provides leadership opportunities and hands-on experiences within the business community.


By participating in the Canastota Municipal Government Program, students have the opportunity to participate in interactive and rigorous exploration of career opportunities existing in the areas of public service, law, government, and public administration.


This program will provide students with unique opportunities to learn “first-hand” the many critical aspects of local government by participating in job shadowing experiences within several departments. 





Event Ambassadors assist the International Boxing Hall of Fame staff and volunteers with the set-up for special events including the International Hall of Fame Weekend and Induction Ceremony.


The ambassadors will act as hosts, assist inductees and distinguished guests, and provide services where needed.


The Ambassador Badge Program is the result of a collaboration between the Canastota Central School District and the International Boxing Hall of Fame. 

Students are exposed to all aspects of the Hall of Fame operations by participating in hands-on, engaging lessons.


Students gain valuable leadership experience as they connect with International Boxing Hall of Fame management, staff, volunteers, and honored guests.


Syracuse Crunch Ambassadors assist the Syracuse Crunch staff and volunteers with the set-up for hockey events held at the Upstate Medical University Arena. 

Students will have the opportunity to also assist with marketing campaigns for the Crunch.  The ambassadors will act as hosts, assist various departments during the game, and provide services where needed.


The Syracuse Crunch Program is the result of a collaboration between the Canastota Central School District and the Syracuse Crunch Hockey Association. 

Students are exposed to all aspects of the Syracuse Crunch operations by participating in hands-on, engaging lessons. 

Students gain valuable leadership experience as they connect with Syracuse Crunch management, staff, volunteers, and guests in attendance.


This partnership allows students in the Canastota Central School District to interact with staff and personnel of the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. 


This partnership gives students the opportunity to gain knowledge and career experience in zoo and environmental education fields. Students will learn about the importance of the zoo within our community.  They will explore career opportunities that are available in this area.  Public speaking, communication skills, and professional image are stressed throughout the program.  



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