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Middle Level Badges

Smart Goals.png
Local History Badge RSES.png
Citizenship Badge.png
Positivity Badge.png
Leadership Badge.png

Goal Setting

Goal setting and goal reflection are skills that are necessary for success in school, career, and life.  Students are introduced to the concept of SMART Goals.  SMART Goals show students how to set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

Local History

The Local History Badge will introduce students to the study of history in our area. Emphasis is placed on the study of the Erie Canal as well as the history of the Village of Canastota.


Citizenship represents the quality of a person's response to membership in a community. Being a citizen doesn't automatically make you a good citizen, which is why learning how to be a good citizen as an elementary student is so important. Students will learn different themes of citizenship that can help them learn how to positively contribute to their community.


Positivity encourages students to approach every day with a positive and optimistic attitude.  It requires students to look for solutions and expect good results and success.  With a focus on making life happier, it can create a positive frame of mind.   


Elementary leadership activities in the classroom assist students to develop skills necessary as they prepare for junior high and high school. Laying the foundation for developing leadership skills involves critical thinking and exploring solutions to problems that sidetrack team projects and other group activities.

Acceptance Badge

Acceptance Badge.png

“Acceptance” means showing kindness, understanding and including others no matter who they are. By accepting someone, you accept them in all ways including:


  • The color of their skin

  • Where they were born or came from

  • The language they speak

  • The way they dress

  • The way they look

  • The foods that they eat

  • Their strengths and weaknesses

Elementary School Badges

Based on the Pillars of Character. elementary students will be introduced to those positive qualities that can attribute to their success.  

Character can change the entire climate of a school and community.

Students can earn recognition for achieving multiple badges in the area of Character.

Multiple Badge.png
Kindness Badge.png
Respect Badge 3.png
Responsibility Badge.png
Fairness Badge.png
Honesty Badge.png


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3


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